Friday 4 July 2014

Jeff Ryan "Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America"

If you were born into a time where Sega and Nintendo were something that were already around, and that is just the way life is, this book might be for you, as it was for me.

Peter had already known a lot of the anecdotes presented in this story, but I must admit, I had never delved much into the history of video games before, aside from a few youtube videos explaining the basics.

While this is clearly a book about Nintendo, it mentions the competitive nature and market of the original and follow-up video game consoles, so Sega, Atari, Sony, and Windows all come into it appropriately and repeatedly.

This book and the story of Nintendo is mainly presented objectively, but occasionally the writer does present a kind of biased view of Nintendo (I am pretty sure he had a Nintendo console growing up!)

I learned a lot from this book, so I heartily recommend it to anyone who is a fan of video games or Nintendo in general. If your kids are really into video games, this book will be great for them, or for you if you want to understand their passion a little bit better! (Assuming you are a parent who hates video games, which is not a valid assumption to make!)

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