Friday 26 September 2014

Apologies For Slow Content Lately

I would really love to keep up with the reading schedule I've kept in the past, but being one third of the way through a literature degree really isn't aiding my own personal reading. However, fortunately for me, everything we have to read, reread, and analyse for class is incredibly fascinating and rewarding.

As a result of trying to juggle so much (part-time work, a full-time double degree, and insomnia as a result of bipolar disorder), I've really fallen behind with this blog. I've still been reading like crazy, but sitting down to write a review takes up more time than I have.

Lately I've been trying to think of how to manage things, as I really don't want to see this blog settle down in any means, but I realise I haven't been playing to my strengths. From now on, there will be a few changes, but only during term. Breaks and holidays will see a return to the regular 4-books-a-week reading challenge.

So, without any further delay, here are the new features of my blog:

+ Minor Reading Challenges: These will take place during term, and will feature two books a week. They will alternate between all non-fiction, or half and half.

+ Audiobooks: I will attempt to do at least one a week, but at the very least, there will be one a fortnight. I tend to knock out audiobooks very quickly, as I listen to them while running, doing chores, and having a steamy bath (hence no glasses).

+ Short Stories, Poetry, Magazines, & Articles: The first two will probably be the outcome of my literature degree, therefore texts I am studying for class, while the last pair will be the product of trying to keep up in the literary as well as the library and information science industry.

I'll soon create a link to my instagram account, where you will get sneak-peeks of what will be coming up on the blog. Past reviews of reading challenge books that aren't up yet will be up soon. Thanks for stopping by!

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