Tuesday 11 November 2014

Blog Update

Welcome to the Bookwyrmle blog, now hosted through blogspot (previously Typepad, then Wordpress). Due to all images being tied to a previous domain name, many of the images are not appearing. This is only a small task since all book-related photographs are in their own folder on my external HD, but I'm currently finishing up assessments for Uni and TAFE, which take first priority on my to do list (or second, since I'm battling sickness at the moment, which, at the very least, leaves plenty of time to read between doctor visits).

Thanks for stopping by, and please subscribe by email if you're interested in more book reviews, or the occasional library tour.

Also, please suggest any changes if they are needed! If the layout is funny or awkward, if I've stuffed up grammatically somewhere, or if a Facebook page would be more appropriate than email subscriptions, let me know. Thank you.

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